Lunes, Nobyembre 14, 2011

HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points)

HACCP is a tool that can be useful in the prevention of food safety hazards

7 Principles of HACCP

1. Hazard Analysis-anything which may cause harm to your customer.
        3 types of hazard
               ex: food poisoning
         2. Chemical
               ex: incorrect storage, misuse of chemicals
         3. Physical
               ex: contamination from foreign bodies (glass, wood, metal) 

2. Critical Control Points (CCP's)-CCP's are stages of your progress where the hazards must           be controlled for the food to be safe to eat.

3. Critical Limit-specified safety limits at your CCP's which separate acceptable and unacceptable food.

4. Monitoring- a plan sequence of measurement/ observation to ensure the product or process is in control.

5. Corrective Action-procedures to be taken when monitoring (CCP's) has identified that the critical limit has been or likely to be exceeded.

6. Verification-taking an overview of HACCP based system to ensure it is working effectively.

7. Documentation-a HACCP is working effectively, it is important to review the food safety system at regular intervals

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